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National Technician Appreciation Week


September 19-24, 2021

"To recognize the outstanding professional technicians that keep the trucking industry rolling, American Trucking Associations (ATA) in a conjoined effort with ATA’s Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) announced the second annual National Technician Appreciation Week (NTAW) will be held September 19-24, directly following TMC’s 2021 Fall Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition in Cleveland.

The purpose of the week is to provide an opportunity to celebrate the hard work and commitment of the professional technicians of the trucking industry. Across America, professional technicians play one of the most demanding and important roles in trucking. This week is will not only acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of these dedicated professionals, but also help attract prospective talent to one of the most in-demand careers in the trucking industry.

Professional technicians are the people that keep trucks moving. To recognize these important men and women, NTAW highlights one of the most demanding and challenging roles in the transportation industry. NTAW will provide an opportunity to celebrate the hard work and commitment of professional technicians. Professional technicians perform one of the most demanding and critical roles in trucking. Considering things like uptime, fuel economy and overall vehicle performance, maintenance technicians are a vital part of a fleet’s overall safety. This week will not only acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of these dedicated professionals, but also help attract prospective talent to one of the most in-demand careers in the industry."

At F&W, our Technicians are invaluable members of our team, and they are dedicated to keeping our trucks safe on the road. We THANK YOU for your commitment to your careers and the industry!

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